We are here to serve you.
These programs have been developed with the singular focus of empowering people financially. Words like “life-changing”, “empowering”, “impactful” and more have been used to describe these sessions. We want the same and more for you. Click here to see more testimonials then let us know how we can serve you.

Faith and Finances
We live in a world where bondage to student loans, car payments, credit cards and other forms of debt is commonly accepted. But it doesn’t have to be that way for you! You can BE FREE! During the Faith and Finances session, you will discover a world of freedom by using a biblically-based, proven process to break free from financial bondage and live victoriously.

Jesus asked the lame man at the pool of Bethesda a simple question, “Do you want to be made whole?” When asked, “Do you want financial empowerment?” many say “yes,” but like this man have many reasons why you believe it’s not truly attainable. In this session you will learn the simple, yet powerful steps to financial empowerment.

Great Wealth
Over half of all the parables Jesus told dealt with money. Money can dominate our lives and influences us in good and bad ways. How we feel about money, how we accumulate it and how we steward over it all matters. In this lesson you will learn the 7 essentials to Great Wealth, including how to define it.

The Virtuous Woman did not just appear on the scene—she began building her brand from her youth. Women of all ages, married and single will benefit from the journey to become and live as a SuperWoman. Dr. Vinson will highlight functional areas of this type of woman such as how she manages her “self”, “work”, “family”, “faith” and “finances.”

Future is Yours So Own It
Visioning and empowerment are two qualities many people struggle with. This session will outline techniques for visioning and encourage taking control of the path we all have been called to take with confidence and ownership.

Secrets to Getting Out and Staying Out of Debt
Get-rich-quick-schemes, lotteries, and many marketing tricks give people reasons to accumulate debt. Debt is a way of life in our society today, but for no good reason. This session uncovers 5 secrets to getting and staying out of debt that will enlighten audiences and empower them for years to come.

Any program topic can be modified for your event.

Small Group Workshops/ Conference Breakout Sessions

We’re also available for small group seminars/workshops where we lead a group through personal finance, leadership and other subjects in a more intimate setting. Contact us and we’ll work with you to create a seminar that fits your needs.

Purses, Pearls & Pumps (Women’s Finances/Leadership/Spiritual)
Men, Get Real With your Finances (Men’s Finances/Leadership/Spiritual)
SuperWoman (Women’s Finances/Leadership)
Financial Oneness (Couples Finances)
7 Things All Church Leaders Must Know About Money (Finances/Leadership)
Leading Through Change (Leadership)
Get-out-of-debt and Stay-out-of-debt Tips For Moms (and dads) (Self-help/Empowerment)
Go To Graduate School For Free* (Self-help/Empowerment)
Your Secret Name (Spiritual)

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