I want to…
Get a grip on my budget
Your income is your greatest wealth-building tool. It’s time to tell your money where to go and stop wondering where it went. Our RESOURCES area has forms, guides, research materials and more to help you learn how to spend wisely and free up money you never knew you had. Get on a budget and give yourself a raise!
When you’re ready to take it a step further
• Sign up for an upcoming class or webinar
• Consider Financial Empowerment Coaching
Get out of Debt
Debt is a thief. It steals joy. It robs your peace of mind now, and it prevents you from reaching your goals in the future. Imagine how much breathing room you’d have with no monthly payments! You can get rid of debt once and for all. You just need a plan. Our SEMINARS and WORKSHOPS will help you do just that.
When you’re ready to take it a step further
• Consider Financial Empowerment Coaching
Have Better Spending and Saving Habits
We have a variety of tools and resources to help you save and spend with a plan. Visit our RESOURCES area to download our forms, budgeting tools and more. Set yourself up to win.
When you’re ready to take it a step further
• Try one of our award-winning books
• Sign up for one of our Classes or Workshops
Clean up my credit
You need an understanding of how Credit Bureaus operate. What does the credit score really mean? What does it measure? Our “Clean your credit for Free*” guide shows you exactly how the credit score is calculatedd and what it says about you. It also walks you through common collection practices, strategies for dealing with collectors and how to effectively and safely ‘clean’ your credit.
When you’re ready to take it a step further
• Consider Financial Empowerment Coaching
Stop Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck
You work hard, so isn’t it about time you have something to show for it? You’ll enjoy life a lot more if you’re not worried about making ends meet every month. We can give you the motivation and a proven plan to climb out of your pit and move forward. It’s time to make your hard work pay off. Our BOOKS lay out the plan that deals with more than just the money in your life, pick up one today and get started on the path to empowerment!
When you’re ready to take it a step further
• Consider Financial Empowerment Coaching
I Have No Idea, but I need to do something!
Knowing where to start is often the biggest hurdle to winning with money. But realizing you need to make a change is a great first step. Our FINANCIAL WELLNESS QUIZ will help you get a snapshot of where you stand today so you know what your next steps should be. Our proven plan can help you get started no matter where you’re coming from, where you are, or where you’re going. There’s no better time than right now to get on a plan and get on track.
When you’re ready to take it a step further
• Try one of our award-winning books
• Sign up for one of our Classes or Workshops
• Consider Financial Empowerment Coaching
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